Leather: Nai-fu, has been, Yuanhenglizhen, Hui death. Tuan said: leather, water and fire of interest, and two women live together, not Xiangde-chi, said Ge. Others, is Corfu; leather and the letter also. Civilization to say, is a tycoon, leather and when, Hui is dead. World leather and 4%, Tang Wu revolution, in accord with the days and should be between people, when the Italian leather just zai! Elephant said: Ze in the fire, leather; gentleman rule that when the calendar.
On 6: Gentlemen leopard change, villain leather face, the levy fierce, ranking Sadakichi. As said: Gentlemen leopard change its Wen Wei also. Villain leather face, to Shun-jun also from.
September 5: adult tigers changed, not occupy Corfu. As said: adult tiger change its Wenbing also.
September 4: Hui death, Corfu to life, Kyrgyzstan. As said: to life in Kyrgyzstan, and also the letter Chi.
September 3: Levy fierce, Fok, Li, leather on the three words, Corfu. As said: leather on the three words, how can the just.
June 2: f, is the leather, Zheng Ji, Wu Jiu. As said: leather, the others, will also have Stoker.
Chujiu: Gong use of cattle leather. As said: Gong with cattle, who are not.
天行健,君子以自强不息 翻译
一、原文:商 周文王姬昌 《周易》天行健,君子以自强不息。地势坤,君子以厚德载物。二、译文:天(即自然)的运动刚强劲健,相应的,君子处事,也应像天一样,自我力求进步,刚毅坚卓,发奋图强,不可懒惰成性;大地吸收阳光滋润万物,君子应增厚美德,以身作则。
周易.归妹.上六 女承筐,无实;士刲羊,无血。的翻译
《周易》第五·下经卦34·大壮 《大壮》:利贞。《彖》曰:大壮,大者壮也。刚以动,故壮。“大壮利贞”,大者正也。正大,而天地之情可见矣。 《象》曰:雷在天上,大壮。君子以非礼弗履。 初九,壮于趾,征凶,有孚。 《象》曰:“壮于趾”,其孚穷也。 九二,贞吉。 《象...