算命:Future telling.
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This order for the human dry, resourcefulness, often close to the honored person, property should not become, meaning less blood relatives and friends, self-support their families. Submit a maximum of wealth such as the early to frost, Wisdom of married middle-aged, large deliveries to shun the family business, a wife may be small with no punishment, child bride three, only one child to sleep Shouyuan 77, died Among the winter months
算命算 看不懂 请帮忙翻译白话
此命风云际会之星,君臣和好之宿---你的命宫之主星虽弱,但大限、流年逢好运的时候、自然有很好的一翻作为。 所憎邪佞,会解凶灾---你是一个很正直的人、心地善良、会帮助别人。 作事不肯缩头,能会摆布---做事勇往直前、可以指导别人 平生事业,如同燕子营巢---平生事业、白手起家、像燕子...
(一) 终身行乞孤苦之命。短命非业谓大空,平生灾难事重重,凶祸频临陷逆境,终世困苦事不成。(二) 一生劳碌之命。此命劳碌一生穷,每逢困难事重重,凶祸频临陷苦境,终身大事谋不成。(三) 终身困苦之命 此命推来骨肉轻,求谋做事事难成,妻儿兄弟实难靠,外出他乡做散人。(四) ...
This order for the human dry, resourcefulness, often close to the honored person, property should not become, meaning less blood relatives and friends, self-support their families. Submit a maximum of wealth such as the early to frost, Wisdom of married middle-aged, large deliveries...